How Do I Log in to My Computer?

  1. Overview
  2. Getting Started
  3. How Do I Log in to My Computer?

For Windows Users

  1. Power On Your Computer

    • Press the Power button on your desktop or laptop. Wait for the login screen to appear.
  2. Enter Your Credentials

  3. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) (If Required)

    • If MFA is enabled, you may need to verify your identity:
      • Enter a code sent to your phone.
      • Approve a notification on an authentication app like Microsoft Authenticator.
  4. Access Your Desktop

    • Once logged in, your desktop will appear with shortcuts to frequently used programs and files.

For Mac Users

  1. Power On Your MacBook

    • Press the Power button or open the lid of your MacBook to wake it up.
  2. Enter Your Credentials

    • Type your Username and Password when prompted on the login screen.
  3. Touch ID (Optional)

    • If Touch ID is set up, place your registered finger on the Touch ID sensor instead of typing your password.
  4. Access Your Desktop

    • Once logged in, your Mac’s desktop will appear with the dock at the bottom and menu bar at the top.

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